QDRC Governance
The Quesnel and District Riding Club is a non-profit society registered under the Societies Act of British Columbia, and a member of Horse Council BC
CLICK HERE to see our bylaws & policies
The QDRC was incorporated as a not-for-profit society in British Columbia on 23rd September 1991.
As per our Constitution, the purpose of the QDRC is as follows:
As per our Constitution, the purpose of the QDRC is as follows:
1. To organize horse owners for the purpose of speaking with a larger voice on matters of concern;
2. To promote appreciation of all horse breeds and proper and humane horsemanship practices and methods within all equestrian disciplines;
3. To provide and promote educational events for both horse owners and non-horse owners of the community, with special emphasis on youth participation;
4. To sponsor horse shows, clinics, and events to encourage and teach principles of good riding, horsemanship, showmanship, and overall health and welfare of the horse, with special emphasis on the beginner and youth participant;
5. To co-operate with Horse Council British Columbia, Canadian Equestrian Federation, and other affiliated organizations to further benefit the equestrian community;
6. To enter into fundraising projects to enable the Society to materialize and further the above programs and objectives.